All pictures are now online. My mate Neil and I had a blast, driving around the park, and seeing beautiful animals in their natural habitat.
-Seeing a pride of seven male lions.. Extrememly unusual!
-Finding a pride of lions in beautiful morning light, and watching them play
-Seeing six! leopards! One of the rarest cats. One of them hunted what looked like two Steenbok, but missed it's meal.
-Seeing jackals! They are like small coyotes, and very beautiful.
-Hyena. After many days of near-misses, the last two days proved pretty fruitful to see these animals. They are the most unnerving predators, as they are the most curious and least fearful
-So many eagles! Wow. Huge birds of prey the likes of which you would NEVER see anywhere in Europe (except maybe here)
-And of course, Cheetah! Just as we were leaving the park, we got a tip that two Cheetah were sitting next to the side of the road not a few km up ahead. So lead-foot Lawler raced to the scene (of course, at no point breaking the speed limit)
The majority of my favourites are here in my Smugmug galleries and I urge those interested to have a look, because the files there are much higher quality than what you'll see here. Remember to click "slideshow" in the top right corner.
Here are a few of the best IMO:

So what's next for Adam? Well the year isn't over, and I have a few other travel ideas for before Christmas. I had planned to head to Florida for November, to watch the next Shuttle Launch, but alas, for reasons to do with employment, that has had to pass (for now).
I also hope to update the blog software here. Hopefully I will be able to orient this site towards my photography a bit more, and the first thing that needs doing is to "pimp it up" a bit. So look forward to that later this year.
Anyway, hopefully all are well. Thanks for following my journeys so far, and keep your eyes peeled, because I ain't finished yet!
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