Friday, 27 March 2009

Leaving Buenos Aires - And a few pics

Hello everyone. Well the time has come to leave this fantastic city. It´s been excellent to see what an amazing vibrant and lively place this is. From the wealth of Recoleta (more on this place below), to the poorer (but no less vibrant) neighbourhoods of the infamous La Boca.

First things first. Steaks. Oh yes. We managed to find a restaurant that served one of the meanest looking steaks I´ve ever seen. Part of it was still kicking. I´m not normally one for rare steaks, but I tell you it was incredible. And they don´t waste time with unnecessary vegetables here. No siree. You order a steak, you get just the steak. But no steak is complete without a generous helping of Papas Fritas.
I could seriously live here.

Anyway, we´ve also been down to La Boca a couple of times. Obligatory pic below.

Clourful La Boca

It´s so colourful, and the main area is definitely geared towards the tourists. Of course, La Boca is famous not only for it´s colourful buildings that adorn many postcards, but also for it´s famous football team - Boca Juniours. The stadium is nestled in the heart of the area, and life pretty much revolves around this monument.

La Boca Stadium

Now.. Onto Tango. I´ve received a few mails from people telling me to have a go at Tango, or how funny it is thinking of me dancing the dance or words to a similar effect. Can I just say, I managed to get OUT of dancing the Tango (the world is a better place for it, believe me), but as a compromise, I had to go and sit through an evening watching OTHER people dance it. Pants. I hate those strictly come dancing shows, and this was just a small live version of it. Still, at least I can say I saw the Tango being done professionally in the heart of Argentina.. even if it was extremely boring.

To the north of Buenos Aires lies the wealthy district of Recoleta. Grandeur aside, it´s far more famous for the
Recoleta Cemetary, where the wealthy are buried in grand style. Eva Peron (Evita) is also buried here.
It´s what I imagine a City of the Dead to look like. I´m sure it´d be extremely creepy at night time

City of the Dead

We didn´t give it more than an hour though. It´s a huge place, and very fascinating to see, but still.. a little creepy.

For me though, the best place so far has been the Buenos Aires Ecoogical Reserve. It´s a massive area on the eastern edge of the city that is home to lots of different wildlife. I managed to see two Caracara fly overhead, and in the distance, a Crested Eagle. What city can claim to have such huge raptors over it´s skies?

Anyway, today we are catching an overnight bus to Iguazu Falls. We´ll be there for a few days and I´ll post another blog when we´re done there I think.
More pics are below. Sorry to those at RBS who can´t see any pics above or in the link below. If you want to see them, I suggest forwarding them to your home account instead.


Gotta run - people are waiting to use the net behind me.

Much love people!


The Clay Artist said...

Lovely little brother!! I still am amazed at the knives (swords) for sale! Looking fwd to pics of Iguaza Falls too!

Unknown said...

LMAO of the steak comment. I can't believe I am actually still reading this. Your blogging diction is hilarious Adam.

All the best.

Cousin Madness :)

Adam Lawler said...

ha, cheerz Cuz. I don´t think when I type, for good or for ill :)